Page 27 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2019 Online Magazine
P. 27

        that supports it are viable and can bring signif-
        icant benefits to air traffic control and airport
        operations. Further analysis, modelling and sim-
        ulations are envisaged to bring the technology
        closer to the industrial development,” says Prof.

        Remote Tower in Sub-Zero
        Meanwhile, Isavia and Frequentis are explor-
        ing remote tower in sub-zero temperatures
        to benefit isolated airfields. The Icelandic Air
        Navigation Service Provider (ANSP), Isavia, and
        Frequentis formed a technology partnership   any size smarter.
        in 2017 to investigate suitable remote tower   In Growth Mode
        camera and casing solutions that would be    The growth of air traffic control services in the SE Asia region has
        effective in Icelandic weather conditions. The   been a major driver for the Asia-Pacific unit of Italy-based ENAV
        ongoing partnership is analysing the benefits   S.p.A. which is looking at expanding its management and consul-
        this solution will have for isolated airports, by   tancy services for air traffic control in the region.
        enabling ATS to be carried out from a centrally
        located facility.                            “With outstanding expertise in Air Traffic Management operations
                                                     and services, we are the ideal partner for any air navigation service
        “THE CONCEPT IS A GAME                       provider and aviation industry aimed at improving and modernising
        CHANGER IN TERMS OF HOW                      airspace and airport systems,” Mauro Iannucci, CEO ENAV Asia
        ISOLATED AIRPORTS WILL BE                    Pacific told Asian Airlines & Aerospace on the sidelines of the
        CONTROLLED REMOTELY IN THE                   recently concluded LIMA Airshow in Langkawi, Malaysia.

        FUTURE.” says Teodor Simiganoschi,           Enav Asia Pacific is currently providing project management and
        Project Manager at Isavia.                   technical services to the Ministry of Transportation of Malaysia and
                                                     Civil Aviation on the new Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Control Centre
        “We are pleased to be exploring extreme  (KL ATCC) at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and
        weather remote tower solutions with Isavia  Sabah-Sarawak. The KL ATCC is one of the biggest control centres
        that  remain  cost-effective.  The  ability  for  in the world with 24 sectors and state of the art technology. ENAV
        remote tower to provide cost savings to smaller  Asia Pacific has been assisting the ministry of civil aviation and the
        regional airports highlights it as an essential  Ministry of Transport on the project.
        solution for airfields with low traffic volume and
        increasing risk of closure, effectively providing  The company has also acquired the Air Navigation Division of
        them with a lifeline. Additionally, the idea that  IDS – Ingegneria dei Sistemi SpA and Italy-based ENAV hopes to
        several low traffic airports can be served and  augment its Air Traffic Management (ATM) services and technol-
        consolidated into one remote tower centre also  ogies portfolio in the non-regulated business. “The combination of
        offers additional cost benefits. This solution  the commercial offerings will enable ENAV to further strengthen
        offers  enormous  potential  in  terms  of  pro-  its ATM services and technologies portfolio in the non-regulated
        cess optimisation, utilisation of resources and  business and, by enriching our product line-up and expanding our
        functional synergies across multiple airport  geographical footprint, we will position ourselves as one of the
        locations,” says Hannu Juurakko, Frequentis  leading international players in the sector. The integration of the
        Vice President ATM Civil.                    activities and personnel of IDS will reinforce the competitiveness
                                                     and distinctive positioning of ENAV delivering synergies also in its
        Isavia manages one of the largest airspaces  regulated business,” Iannucci says.
        in the world from the North Pole almost to
        Scotland, and from the Greenwich Meridian in   “The division subject of the transaction provides a comprehen-
        the East to west of Greenland. Iceland’s glacial  sive set of solutions that complement ENAV’s existing offering, in
        landscape and icy temperatures, especially in  particular in relation to the planning of airspace design, the man-
        the North of the country will require camera  agement of aeronautical information database and other ancillary
        technology and casings that will protect the  services,” he adds.  IDS in one of the leading providers of select
        equipment and its performance despite climate  ATM products and services worldwide, serving over 100 clients,
        challenges. Advanced video processing with  including ENAV, in Italy, Europe and in extra-European countries.
        artificial intelligence like machine and deep  The Air Navigation Division is active in the development of software
        learning have the power to make airports of  solutions for aeronautical information management and ATM.

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