Page 28 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2019 Online Magazine
P. 28


      Robot Control


         Jay Menon

        Lufthansa Technik has developed the first robot for fully automated  Robo Sensors
        tests of cockpit controls in the world.  The test procedure is called  The robot has integrated sensors to measure
        RoCCET, which stands for Robot Controlled Cockpit Electronics  the forces that occur when switches are acti-
        Testing. In the future, RoCCET will be used to check the func-  vated. In addition, it is equipped with several
        tionality of LED lights and switches on the basis of concrete,  industrial cameras with which it captures all dis-
        standardized measurement data. The robot-based procedure is  play instruments and any outer damage. With
        currently in the integration phase. “This fully automated procedure  another camera, it measures the brightness of
        allows us to ease the burden on our colleagues in the workshops  all displays from various angles.
        and reduce the testing effort by one to two hours per component. At
        the same time, the new procedure provides concrete measurement  The robot is thus able to check all switches
        data in accordance with uniform standards,” explains Florian Sell,  and LEDs just as well as a human and perform
        manager of the RoCCET project and senior engineer of automated  defined functional tests. LHT has completed
        test equipment systems for LHT’s Aircraft Component Services  long-term testing of this data mining using arti-
        division. “For example, we now have physical threshold values for  ficially aged switches.
        the brightness of LEDs. And with the help of data mining, we can
        determine exactly when an LED has to be replaced.”             The company’s next step will be using com-
                                                                       bined analysis of available aircraft data and
        “THIS FULLY AUTOMATED PROCEDURE ALLOWS                         newly-generated measurement data from
        US TO EASE THE BURDEN ON OUR COLLEAGUES                        RoCCET  for  preventive maintenance. The
        IN THE WORKSHOPS AND REDUCE THE                                data will help LHT determine when a display
                                                                       or switch is nearing the end of its lifecycle so
        TESTING EFFORT BY ONE TO TWO HOURS PER                         unplanned repairs or replacements can be
        COMPONENT. AT THE SAME TIME, THE NEW                           reduced.
        DATA IN ACCORDANCE WITH UNIFORM                                The robot-based test procedure will initially
                                                                       be used for cockpit controls on Airbus A320
        STANDARDS,” FLORIAN SELL, MANAGER OF THE                       and A350 as well as Boeing 787 aircraft. In the
        ROCCET PROJECT AND SENIOR ENGINEER OF                          future, its use may also be extended to other
        AUTOMATED TEST EQUIPMENT SYSTEMS FOR LHT’S                     cockpit and cabin controls on all aircraft types
        AIRCRAFT COMPONENT SERVICES DIVISION                           at various locations.

        28 | March/April 2019                                                      WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ AAA
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