Page 14 - AAA January / February 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 14

Specifically, the numbers aren’t
                                                                                good with 52% saying they are
                                                                                stressed compared to the global
                                                                                average of 44%. Engagement
                                                                                is better with 31% of US work-
                                                                                ers saying they are engaged
                                                                                compared to the global 23%
                                                                                while 52% are not engaged and
                                                                                17% are angry compared to
                                                                                global numbers of 59% and 18%

                                                                                It seems inconceivable

                                                                                that the company that
                                                                                gave us the 707 and
                                                                                747, helped put man

                                                                                into orbit and then on
                                                                                the moon, built a raft
                                                                                of satellites and the
                                                                                rockets that put them

                                                                                in orbit, built most of
                                                                                the free world’s fighter
                                                                                jets and large trans-

                                                                                port aircraft and was
                                                                                the lead integrator of
                                                                                the International Space

                Boeing 737 worker meetings to discuss quality improvrments      Station can find itself
                                                                                the butt of a tsunami of
        all Commercial Airplanes pro-       with its machinists for decades
        grams and sites over the next       and this year the current contract  jokes and ridicule not
        few weeks. Your voice is critical.   is due to expire in September      just on social streams
        Please continue to raise con-       in what is shaping up to be         but in mainstream
        cerns and share ideas through       an extremely difficult set of
        your leadership, or using our       negotiations.                       media over its seem-
        Speak Up portal. I look forward                                         ing inability to perform
        to sharing another update on our  However maybe the slip in
        actions.”                           quality of workmanship lies         the simplest of tasks
                                            elsewhere.                          - tighten up nuts or
        But will this be                    The latest “Gallup State of the     ensure that bolts are

        enough? Are the                     Global Workplace 2023 Report”       in place.
        problems wider                      reveals that the US worker has
                                            the highest regional percent-       The industry needs Boeing to do
        and deeper?                         age of daily stress and highest     better – much better – or it could
                                            regional percentage of female       become a marginal player just
        Boeing has had a difficult and at   employees who experience high       as McDonnell Douglas did in the
        times very strained relationship    daily stress.                       1980s and 90s.•

        14 | JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2024                                                         WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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