Page 34 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 34

requirement for seven squadrons     a compound delta wing with close    has already been integrated on the
        of the indigenous type which will   coupled canard wings. It is being   IAF’s SU-30 MKI aircraft for the
        have an  internal weapons bay.      developed to replace the IAF’s MiG-  airborne strike role.
        The AMCA is being designed as a     29, Mirage 2000 and Jaguar fighter
        replacement for the IAF’s SU-30     aircraft around mid 2030. A new     Problem of Plenty
        MKI fleet. The twin-engine AMCA is   higher thrust GE F414 INS-6 engine
        being designed to achieve a max-    will power the IAF Tejas Mk2.       In its quest to turn away from costly
        imum speed of Mach 1.8 and is                                           imports, the IAF is now heavily
        planned to be fitted with an indige-  The maiden flight of the Tejas Mk2   dependent on HAL to meet its future
        nously developed Active Electronic   was originally planned to take     requirements. HAL manufactured
        Scanning Array (AESA) radar.        place in 2023, with the aircraft    platforms such as Tejas Mk-1A, LCA
                                            to have completed all certifica-    Mk2, AMCA, Twin-Engine Deck
        The indigenously developed Tejas    tion requirements by 2025. The      Based Fighter (TEDBF), Advanced
        Mk-1 fighter celebrates eight years   aircraft features a new fuselage   Light Helicopter (ALH) ‘Dhruv’,
        in operational service this year. The   and is likely to enter service with   Light Combat Helicopter (LCH)
        air force has ordered Tejas fighters   an indigenously developed AESA   ‘Prachand’, Light Utility Helicopter
        in four Tranches: Tranche I – 20    radar. The Tejas Mk2 will be cleared   (LUH), HTT-40 and upcoming
        Mk-1 aircraft March 2006, Tranche   almost all new generation weapons   platforms in the Indian Multi-Role
        II – 20 Mk-1 aircraft December      in the IAF inventory. In addition   Helicopter (IMRH) and recently
        2010, Tranche III - 83 Mk-1A aircraft  to the distinctive high mounted   unveiled Hindustan Lead-In Fighter
        February 2021 and Tranche IV – 97   close coupled canard wings, the     Trainer (HLFT-42) concept will all
        Mk-1A aircraft November 2023. The  Tejas Mk2 will feature an Infra-     be critical to the IAF’s future combat
        state-owned airframer Hindustan     Red Search and Track (IRST),        capability.
        Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has       Missile Approach Warning System
        stated that it will deliver the first   (MAWS), upgraded digital flight   The airframer has already stated
        three Tejas Mk-1A aircraft this year   control computer, on-board oxygen   that it will manufacture the Tejas
        with the final aircraft delivered in   generating system, active electron-  Mk-1A on three production lines
        2029. As per the IAF’s original     ically scanned array (AESA) radar,   and has also invested in a brand-
        plans, it was slated to induct two   smart cockpit with larger displays   new helicopter factory. HAL is also
        Tejas squadrons from 2012-2017      and will have 11 weapons carriage   tasked with MRO of IAF assets
        (12th Plan) and six additional      stations to carry a variety of air to   such as the SU-30 MKI, Jaguar,
        squadrons from 2017-2022 (13th      air missiles and heavy stand-off    Mirage 2000, Dornier Do-228,
        Plan).                              precision guided munitions.         HTT-40 and HJT-16 Kiran.  The
                                                                                benefits of a large fleet of indige-
        ADA is also developing the larger   The under development               nously developed fleet of combat
        Tejas Mk-2 which is slated to enter   BrahMos-NG supersonic cruise      aircraft and helicopters and their
        service by the end of the decade.   missile is confirmed for fitment    succesful entry into operational
        The new aircraft will have a max    on both Tejas Mk-1A and Tejas       service will mark a paradigm shift
        all up weight of 17.5 tonne and     Mk2 variants. The BrahMos Air       in the operational capability of the
        features a new configuration with   Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM)      IAF..

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