Page 15 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 1
P. 15

        An eVTOL Vehicle is

        Only One Piece of the

        AAM Puzzle: Supernal

        CEO Jaiwon Shin

        Supernal, U.S.-based advanced air mobility   Earlier this year, we announced strategic
        (AAM) provider and Hyundai Motor Group   partnerships with GKN Aerospace and
        subsidiary, is as focused on integrating   Qarbon Aerospace to accelerate this. In
        AAM as a feasible option into cities’ exist-  tandem  to  manufacturing  technology
        ing transportation networks as it is on the   development, we are also collaborating
        development of its eVTOL aircraft, says   with Hyundai Motor Group (HMG) on a
        Jaiwon Shin, Company CEO.                scalable digital factory model.
                                                                                             Jaiwon Shin, Supernal CEO
                                               Can you delve a bit more into the company’s
        In  an  exclusive  interview  with  Arun   ‘first to scale’ approach? It is markedly dif-
        Sivasankaran of Daily News, Shin talked   ferent from the ‘first to market’ sentiment   introduce AAM regulations. The partnership
        about  a  range  of  issues,  including  the   of many of the other players in the industry.  between Federal Aviation Administration
        company’s  ‘first  to  scale  approach,’  the                                 (FAA) and the Korea Office of Civil Aviation
        development of its aircraft, entry into ser-                                  (KOCA) is one such. Do you think this will
        vice and the work the company is doing   Our ‘first to scale’ approach is deliber-  result in a broad uniformity in regulations
        along with a range of stakeholders to move   ate. We are taking the time to build a   across regions?
        the nascent industry forward.            robust AAM ecosystem that will enable
                                                 the industry to reach the demand it is
        Earlier this year, Supernal opened its engi-  expected to see in the coming decades.   Government and industry’s collaboration
                                                 This includes collaborating closely with
        neering headquarters in Irvine, California,   regulators,  policymakers  and  various   is a main reason commercial aviation
        and its Policy and Commercial Office in   aviation and startup stakeholders – in   has  become  the  world’s  safest  form
        Washington, D.C. How far away is the com-  addition to the HMG “engine.” The goal   of  transportation.  Coordinated  policy
        pany from the development of its eVTOL   is not just to launch an eVTOL; Supernal   efforts, both domestic and international,
        aircraft? Is everything on schedule for the   wants to integrate AAM as a feasible   will be crucial for the universal adoption
        launch of commercial operations in 2028?                                        of this new mode of transportation. We
                                                 option into cities’ existing transportation   are optimistic that partnerships like the
          Supernal is working on systems integra-                                       one between the FAA and KOCA could
          tion in our aircraft this year. Alongside   Supernal has hired two former FAA exec-  signal  a  move  toward  uniform  global
          this,  we  are  continuing  to  focus  on   utives  with  experience  in  the  field  of   regulations.
          introducing  advanced  manufacturing   Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). How
          methods  to  the  aviation  market  that   much of an advantage is it for the company  An emerging industry usually sees a lot of
          blend automotive’s high-rate processes   to have them on board?             collective effort on the part of the players.
          with aerospace’s high safety standards.                                     Do you see that happening in the AAM
                                                 Our  team  includes  industry  experts  sector?
                                                 with  a  wide  range  of  skills,  spanning
                                                 from technology and aviation to policy
                                                 and regulation. This diverse talent pool   Absolutely.  We  are  actively  engaged
                                                 enables us to address the challenges that   with a broad range of stakeholders, from
                                                 arise when introducing a new mode of   governments to commercial partners, to
                                                 transportation. By leveraging our collec-  collectively drive the AAM sector forward.
                                                 tive experience, we can establish strong   Our long-term strategy – which harkens
                                                 relationships with important stakehold-  back to HMG’s pragmatic approach –
                                                 ers, responsibly innovate and skillfully   involves working with both established
                                                 position ourselves in the market.      aerospace  companies  and  innovative
                                                                                        startups, harnessing a diversity of tech-
                                               Regulatory agencies around the world are   nologies  and  expertise  to  make  AAM
                                               partnering with each other to finalize and   scalable and accessible.

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