Page 16 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 1
P. 16

Saab to Supply MAW 400 Sensors

           to Hanwha Systems for ROKAF C-130

        Saab’s footprint in South Korea is expand-                                    precision tracking and laser-based jam-
        ing. The company has secured a contract                                       ming against the attack of portable infrared
        to supply its cutting-edge MAW 400 sen-                                       guided missiles, also called man-portable
        sors for integration into Hanwha Systems’                                     air-defence  systems  (MANPADS).  The
        self-protection system.                                                       DIRCM is small-sized, light weight, and has
                                                                                      a single mold structure. It is capable of real
        As part of the contract, Saab will supply                                     time infrared image signal processing, thus
        MAW 400 sensors for the modification of                                       enabling quick detection and tracking. The
        the ROKAF’s C-130 transport aircraft. The                                     system also has a high precision stabiliza-
        advanced sensors will be integrated into                                      tion system for effective transmission of
        Hanwha’s Direct Infrared Countermeasures                                      the jamming laser.
        (DIRCM)  self-protection  system,  signifi-
        cantly bolstering the overall capabilities of                                 Range of Products at Show: At the event,
        the aircraft.                                                                 Saab is promoting GlobalEye, its multi-do-
                                                                                      main  Airborne  Early  Warning  &  Control
        The  contract  is  an  offshoot  of  Saab’s                                   (AEW&C)  solution;  electronic  warfare
        involvement in Hanwha’s development of   As part of the contract, Saab will provide   solutions; the Giraffe 1X compact high-per-
        the DIRCM. According to company officials,   comprehensive engineering support and   formance  lightweight  3D  radar;  ground
        it was the success of the programme that   training in-country to ensure seamless inte-  combat  systems  such  as  Carl-Gustaf
        led to the current order.              gration with the rest of the system.   M4, AT4, and NLAW and the AUV62-AT
                                                                                      anti-submarine warfare training system.
        The  MAW  400  sensors  represent  the   The  initial  operational  test  and  evalua-  Also highlighted are training and simula-
        latest technology in UV (ultraviolet) mis-  tion phase of the DIRCM was carried out   tion offerings.
        sile approach warning. With their enhanced   2020–21.    In  January  last  year,  South
        data processing capabilities, networking   Korea’s Agency for Defence Development   “As a company we are thrilled to demon-
        capability, and improved sensor sensitivity,   (ADD) announced the successful test of   strate our wide portfolio of cutting-edge
        they offer superior threat detection and sit-  Hanwha System’s DIRCM system for mili-  technologies and solutions at Seoul ADEX
        uational awareness.                    tary aircraft self-protection.  According to   2023 in Korea, which is a key market for
                                               the agency, the tests confirmed that the   Saab,”  said  Henrik  Lönn,  Head  of  Saab
        “We  are  proud  to  partner  with  Hanwha   system’s response time to deflect close   Korea.
        Systems, one of Korea’s leading defence   range attack from MANPADS has dramat-
        companies. This  order  strengthens  our   ically improved. When a missile warning   According to company officials, GlobalEye
        Electronic Warfare position in the Korean   receiver (MWR) detects an incoming threat,   is the most modern and capable airborne
        market. We hope to continue this coop-  the DIRCM emits a laser beam that ‘blinds’   surveillance  solution  available  on  the
        eration to the future Korean and global   missiles, thus keeping the aircraft safe.  market.  With  its  mix  of  modern  active
        market “ said Frans Vermaak, Business                                         and  passive  sensors,  it  provides  long
        Development and Marketing Executive at   The airborne survival system improves sur-  range early detection and identification of
        Saab.                                  vivability of aircraft by using high speed,   objects in the air, at sea and over land from
                                                                                      a single platform. By providing real-time
                                                                                      information to units in air forces, armies
                                                                                      and navies, GlobalEye enables enhanced
                                                                                      situational awareness of the surrounding
                                                                                      areas and early detection of threats. It can
                                                                                      also be used for non-military tasks such as
                                                                                      leading and coordinating rescue missions
                                                                                      during natural disasters or larger accidents
                                                                                      at sea or on land.

                                                                                      In April this year, Saab announced that
                                                                                      its  fourth  GlobalEye  had  conducted  a
                                                                                      successful first flight. The company has
                                                                                      the largest AEW&C customer base in the
                                                                                      world, having delivered solutions over the
                                                                                      last three decades across the Americas,
                                                                                      Europe, Middle East and Asia for multiple
                                                                                      mission roles.

        16  OCTOBER-17-2023                                                                    WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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