Page 12 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
P. 12


                                                       We Want to be Number One

                                                       Globally in Naval Projects:

                                                       STM General Manager

                                                       Özgür Güleryüz

        In recent years, Turkish defence company   further strengthen our position      Malaysian Navy. This marks Türkiye’s first
        STM has seen its global footprint grow                                          corvette export to the Asia-Pacific region.
        significantly, but Özgür Güleryüz, company   in naval platforms, unmanned       We are also closely following potential
        General Manager, has bigger goals in mind. systems, and cybersecurity, ex-      naval shipbuilding projects from different

                                               panding our export footprint in          parts of the world.
        “We have the ambition to become the num-
        ber one company globally in naval projects,”   key markets such as the Asia-  STM was the designer and main contrac-
        Güleryüz tells Arun Sivasankaran in an inter- Pacific, the Gulf region, Africa,  tor of Türkiye’s first national frigate TCG
        view. “We were listed in the Defence News   and Europe.”                      İSTANBUL. Could you provide an update on
        Top 100, which ranks the world’s largest                                      the construction of the sixth, seventh, and
        defence companies, for three consecutive   Edited excerpts from the interview:  eighth ships in the MiLGEM programme?
        years in 2018, 2019, and 2020. Our primary                                    What is the timeline?
        goal is to re-enter this list and rank even   What are some of the company’s ongoing
        higher. More than 50% of our revenue comes   naval programs?                    As the main subcontractor, we played a
        from exports, and our aim is to further                                         key role in the delivery of Türkiye’s first
        increase this percentage. In the long term,   We have a busy schedule in the field of   national corvette project, MİLGEM, with
        we aspire to be among the world’s top 50   naval projects. We have delivered the first   four Ada Class Corvettes actively used
        defence companies.                      ship of the I-Class Frigates, TCG İSTANBUL,   by the Turkish Navy. We are also the main
                                                and the construction of the subsequent   contractor and designer of Türkiye’s first
        “By the end of the decade, we           ships,  numbers  6  to  12,  is  ongoing.   national frigate, TCG İSTANBUL, the first

        envision STM as a leading               Meanwhile, the modernization processes   ship of the I-Class Frigate Project, which is
                                                of the Preveze and Gür Class submarines,
                                                                                        a continuation of the MİLGEM Ada Class
        global player in defence and            which are in the inventory of the Turkish   Corvettes.
        engineering, recognized for its         Navy, are progressing successfully.     In TCG İSTANBUL, we succeeded in ex-
        advanced technologies, inno-            In addition, the construction of two cor-  ceeding our targeted 75% localization
        vative solutions, and significant       vettes based on the Ada Class for the   rate,  reaching  80%.  In  continuation  of
        contributions to both national          Ukrainian Navy is continuing in Türkiye,   TCG İSTANBUL, it was decided that the
                                                and we plan to deliver the first ship soon.
                                                                                        three additional frigates under the MİLGEM
        and international defence sec-          In 2024, we signed a contract to build three   I-Class Frigate Procurement Project would
        tors,” says Güleryüz. “We aim to        corvettes (LMS Batch-2) for the Royal   be constructed by STM partnership with

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