Page 14 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
P. 14
Rapidly Growing
Focus is on
Ankara-based Turkish defence technology investment in domestic capabilities and an not only showcase our technological prow-
company Meteksan aims to expand its emphasis on self-sufficiency. Additionally, ess but also align with national priorities
global presence and enhance internation- we have a highly skilled workforce and a for security and defence.
al partnerships while strengthening its robust educational framework that sup-
focus on emerging technologies such as ports continuous talent development. Electronic warfare is revolutionizing mod-
counter-drone, electronic warfare (EW) and Furthermore, the Turkish defence industry ern-day warfare. Could you talk about the
unmanned surface vessels, says Burak is mainly oriented toward export as these company’s capabilities in this field?
Akbas, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, export activities and current success sto-
Meteksan Defense. ries also contribute companies’ compet- Meteksan Defence is at the forefront of
itiveness in the international market and electronic warfare technologies. Our ca-
“We aim to diversify our prod- Türkiye has become a significant defence pabilities include sophisticated electronic
uct offerings while maintain- exporter, especially for the unmanned attack systems and navigational electron-
ic warfare systems that are designed to
aerial vehicles, land vehicles and surface
ing a strong commitment to ship programs. Together, these elements ensure operational superiority. Meteksan
quality and innovation, ensuring create a dynamic environment conducive Defence recently completed development
we meet the evolving needs of to growth and innovation. of MERT and MERTER Electronic Attack
Systems; these were successfully deliv-
our customers both domes- Please talk about some of the major na- ered in 2024. These modern EW systems
tically and internationally,” he tional defence projects that the company are used for jamming the target commu-
nication systems from long distances by
says in a wide-ranging interview with Arun has been involved in. using new generation electronic attack
Meteksan Defence has been actively in- techniques. Additionally, we are planning
volved in several key national defence to deliver SEYMEN Navigational Electronic
Excerpts from the interview: projects like unmanned aerial vehicles Warfare System to one of our customers in
(UAVs), missile systems, helicopter proj- 2025; this is one of most critical projects of
Meteksan’s growth is part of the bigger suc- ects, surface ships and submarine modern- the company. We have developed systems
cess story of the Turkish defence industry. ization. This highlights our commitment to that enhance situational awareness and
What, in your opinion, has contributed to enhancing Türkiye’s defence capabilities. improve our forces’ survivability in complex
the rapid growth of the country’s defence We provide several products to these na- environments. Our commitment to R&D
sector? Is it government policies, avail- tional programs such as Radar Systems, in this area ensures that we remain agile
ability of a skilled workforce, cooperation Anti-Jamming GNSS units, GNSS Receivers and responsive to the evolving needs of
between domestic companies, or a bit of and Antennas, Radar Altimeters, Sonar modern warfare.
everything? Systems. Additionally, Meteksan Defence
The rapid growth of Türkiye’s defence has been involved in the development How successful has the company been
sector is indeed a multifaceted success of ground surveillance radars, counter in expanding its international footprint?
story. Government policies have played a drone projects, training simulators and What are some of the major international
crucial role, particularly through increased unmanned surface vessels. These projects programs that the company is a part of?