Page 13 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
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the TAIS Joint Venture (TAIS JV). We aim
         to deliver these three national frigates
         within 36 months (by 2026). The con-
         struction of these ships is progressing
         successfully, and we will soon hold their
         launch ceremonies.

         At the beginning of 2024, the Defence
         Industry Executive Committee (SSİK) de-
         cided to proceed with the construction
         of the 9th to 12th MİLGEM ships. The
         construction of these ships is also carried
         out in partnership with STM-TAİS.

         The I-Class Frigates, with all their sensors
         and weapon systems developed national-
         ly, will also be equipped with national air
         defence capabilities. National solutions
         such as the Gökdeniz close-in weapon
         system, Cenk-S 3D search radar, Akrep fire
         control radar, illumination radar, torpedo
         tubes, MİDLAS National Vertical Launching
         System, and Hisar-D will be featured in all
         three ships.

        How successful has the company been in   Although STM’s main area of focus is naval   structure, dive speed, low radar cross-sec-
        improving its global footprint?         projects, we are also involved in critical   tion, and ability to create pinpoint damage
                                                projects in the fields of tactical mini-UAV   on critical targets. Weighing less than 2
         The naval projects in which we have been   systems, command and control, cyber-  kilograms, there are only two similar plat-
         involved and the tactical mini-UAV systems   security, and information systems. After   forms in the world. ALPAGU completed its
         and cybersecurity solutions we have deliv-  naval projects, our second focus area is   live ammunition test shots in 2021 and
         ered to the Turkish Armed Forces, which   tactical mini-UAV systems.           achieved its first export in 2023. Efforts
         is the second largest army in NATO, have                                       are ongoing to include ALPAGU in the TAF
         brought us significant engineering experi-  During Türkiye’s operations against the   inventory.
         ence, and we have shared this experience   PKK terrorist organization in 2015-2016,
         with friendly and allied nations over the   the close-quarters combat and need for   The TOGAN, Multi-Rotor UAS for Tactical
         years. We are engaged in collaborations,   pinpoint targeting revealed the necessity   Surveillance and Reconnaissance, the re-
         export and business development activi-  for tactical-level smart UAVs with artificial   connaissance member of the family, is
         ties in more than 30 countries, from South   intelligence. At that time, no solution in   used in intelligence, surveillance, and re-
         America to the Far East.               Türkiye had reached maturity in this area,   connaissance operations. A single TOGAN
                                                and these systems were urgently sought   platform can operate for 45 minutes within
         We are currently carrying out joint studies   from abroad. However, foreign manufac-  a 10-kilometer range. Entering the TAF
         in various projects in Asia, particularly with   turers were reluctant to sell such products   inventory in 2022, TOGAN was exported
         the Turkic Republics and Pakistan. We   to Türkiye.                            to two African countries in 2024.
         consider that Türkiye has many friendly
         and allied nations in the Asia-Pacific re-  STM entered this field to create solutions   One of the newest members of the family,
         gion with which we have common ties.   with its engineering capabilities. In 2017, at   the BOYGA, Ammunition Drop UAV, en-
         We have intensive business development   the IDEF exhibition, STM introduced three   tered the TAF inventory in 2022 and has
         activities, particularly in the Asia-Pacific,   members of its Tactical Mini UAV Family:   actively participated in counter-terrorism,
         Gulf region, Africa, South America, and   the rotary-wing surveillance UAV TOGAN,   cross-border operations, and international
         Central Asia. In line with this, we partici-  the smart loitering munition ALPAGU, and   exercises.
         pate in international defence exhibitions   the rotary-wing attack (Loitering Munition)
         to showcase our technologies. We aim to   UAV KARGU. We developed Türkiye’s first   The ALPAGUT smart loitering munition
         enhance our presence in Europe and the   loitering UAV, KARGU, which entered the   system was introduced for the first time at
         Americas, particularly with NATO; through   inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces   SAHA EXPO-2022. Developed in partner-
         our solutions and expertise in command   (TAF) in 2018. KARGU has been exported   ship with Roketsan, ALPAGUT can operate
         and control, decision support systems,   to over 10 countries across three conti-  day or night, and is effective against mobile
         and simulation.                        nents. To date, more than 5,000 KARGU   or stationary land and sea targets, radar
                                                have been produced.                     and communication systems, critical facil-
        STM is known globally for its naval pro-                                        ities, personnel and targets of opportunity.
        grams. Can you tell us more about some   The ALPAGU Fixed Wing Loitering Munition   The development and field testing of this
                                                System  stands  out  for  its  lightweight
        of your areas of operation?                                                     system are ongoing.

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