Page 15 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
P. 15

Meteksan Defence has seen significant   multi-mission radar for anti-drone systems,   Utilizing its autonomous algorithms and
         success in expanding its international pres-  point air defence weapon systems and   artificial intelligence infrastructure, ULAQ
         ence. We have established partnerships   surveillance systems.                 platforms can navigate safely, avoid ships/
         in various countries and are involved in                                       floating platforms as per the COLREGs,
         programs in regions like the Middle East,  Advanced technologies such as AI are   regain lost communication and return to
         Southeast Asia, and Europe. Our collabora-  transforming the defence sector. How ex-  the base.
         tion with foreign defence organizations on  tensively is Meteksan incorporating such
         projects like UAV subsystems, unmanned  technologies into its programs?      What are the strategic priorities for
         surface vessels, naval training simulators                                   Meteksan over the next few years?
         and radar systems illustrates our growing   Meteksan Defence is deeply committed to
         footprint and commitment to international   integrating advanced technologies, includ-  In the coming years, our strategic priori-
         cooperation in defence. Currently, more   ing AI, into our programs, especially for the   ties include expanding our international
         than 20 countries are using Meteksan   ULAQ Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV)      presence and enhancing international part-
         Defence products in the operational field.   family. Our ongoing USV projects include   nerships, and focusing on emerging tech-
                                                the development of intelligent systems that   nologies such as counter drone, electronic
        Are there lessons, if any, that the company   improve decision-making and operational   warfare and unmanned surface vessels.
        has learned from the ongoing Ukraine war   efficiency, positioning us as a leader in   We aim to diversify our product offerings
        and other regional conflicts?           the technological transformation of USV   while maintaining a strong commitment to
                                                systems worldwide.                      quality and innovation, ensuring we meet
         The ongoing conflicts have underscored                                         the evolving needs of our customers both
         the importance of adaptability and tech-  What has been the response from inter-  domestically and internationally.
         nological superiority in modern warfare.   national buyers to the company’s ULAQ
         We’ve learned that rapid responses to   family of unmanned surface vessels? What
         emerging threats like mini/micro UAVs   makes the product family stand out from   What is the domestic-international split in
         (drones) and the integration of advanced   the competition?                  revenue for the company? Do you have a
         technologies are vital. This has influenced                                  goal in mind with regard to revenue from
         our product management priorities, en-  The ULAQ family has received positive   international business?
         couraging us to focus on agile systems   feedback from international buyers, who
         that can be quickly deployed and integrat-  appreciate its innovative design and ca-  Currently,  our  revenue  split  reflects  a
         ed into existing platforms, ensuring that   pabilities. What sets ULAQ apart is its   strong domestic base, with approximate-
         we remain relevant in a rapidly changing   autonomy features, electronic warfare   ly 70% coming from local contracts and
         landscape. We are especially focused   protection capabilities, modular structure   30% from international sales. However, we
         on counter drone systems like KAPAN    which allows for flexibility for different   aim to increase our international revenue
         and recently completed a new Retinar   payloads. ULAQ can handle complex and   to 50% over the next few years. This goal
         AESA Multi-Mission Radar. KAPAN is one   overwhelming  missions  that  demand   aligns with our strategy to strengthen our
         of the preferred counter drone systems   very high endurance which are difficult   global presence and tap into emerging
         of Turkish Armed Forces after several   to achieve with humans on the front-line.
         tests and we are planning to increase our   Therefore, ULAQ can better be considered
         market share in the world with KAPAN’s   as an un-crewed system, allowing less   Meteksan will unveil a new radar for
         technological capabilities.  KAPAN offers   personnel to handle difficult and risky   helicopter platforms called HELRAD at
         a superior drone detection, tracking and   missions, thus bringing considerable cost   SAHA Expo 2024.
         neutralization performance for border and   feasibility as well. ULAQ makes these
         critical infrastructure security with its high   possible with its sophisticated hardware   Additionally, the company is showcasing
         technology drone detection radar, elec-  & software designed not only to enable full   the Retinar AESA Multi-Mission Radar,
         tro-optic and jammer sub-systems. Retinar   remote-control capability but also to exe-  the latest addition to its Retinar Ground
         AESA is cutting edge, software defined   cute predetermined autonomous missions.   Surveillance Radars product family.  The
                                                                                        radar is capable of detecting and track-
                                                                                        ing not only mini/micro UAVs (drones)
                                                                                        but also kamikaze UAVs and tactical
                                                                                        UAVs. It can detect naval targets in
                                                                                        addition to aerial and ground targets.
                                                                                        Because of its design and low power
                                                                                        consumption, the radar can be used not
                                                                                        only for stationary protection of critical
                                                                                        facilities and borders, but also on moving
                                                                                        vehicles with vehicle integration.

                                                                                        The company is also highlighting the
                                                                                        capabilities of the ULAQ USV family,
                                                                                        including  ULAQ  KAMA  Expandable
                                                                                        USV,  KAPAN  Counter  Drone  System
                                                                                        and MILSAR SAR/MTI Radar for UAVs.

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