Page 20 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 20


       Asian Power                                                              some  economic  headwinds,  Asian
                                                                                  With  2012  expected  to  through  up

                                                                                MRO  operators  can  at  least  reconcile
                                                                                themselves with the fact that they are
       The Asian MRO sector is not immune to global events, but                 based  in  an  area  that  will  likely  be
       is nonetheless showing its muscle                                        more bouyant than most.
                                                                                  Asia  is  in  fact  home  to  the  largest
                                                                                MRO operator in the world - ST Aero-
            sia  is  beginning  to  make  its  market, and 2.4% for North America.   space,  with  subsidiaries  or  joint  ven-
       Aweight  felt  in  the  maintenance,   According to Doan, 2010 marked the  tures  in  China,  Denmark,  Norway,
       repair and overhaul market. With the  bottom of the cycle for the MRO mar-  Sweden, the UK, USA and Panama.
       region’s  fleet  likely  to  head  to  even-  ket,  but,  “The  business  has  changed   ST Aerospace secured new mainte-
       tual  parity  with  North  America  and  forever.” Disruptions to traffic are be-  nance contracts worth a total of S$453m
       Europe, the region - as with all else in  coming more frequent and isolated im-  in  the  third  quarter  of  2011,  ranging
       aerospace, is something of a hotspot.  pacts are having far-ranging effects.  from three to 18 months.
          “While  North  America  and  West-  “Airlines  are  now  poised  to  adjust   The Aircraft Maintenance & Modi-
       ern Europe have the largest fleets and  more rapidly to future changes in de-  fication  business  group  sealed  new
       MRO markets, the growth areas lie in  mand than they may have in the past,”  airframe contracts, which include base
       emerging regions such as India, China  says Doan. “2010 marked a notable lev-  maintenance, heavy maintenance, pas-
       and Eastern Europe,” says Chris Doan,  elling  of  capacity.  ASMs  declined  1%  senger-to-freighter  (PTF)  conversion
       President and CEO of TeamSAI.        in  2010,  mostly  made  up  of  long-haul  and interior refurbishment on various
          Growth rates of 6.8% can be expected  widebody  traffic.  But  the  1%  decline  commercial and military aircraft plat-
       in Asia over the 2011-2021 period, Team  in  capacity  has  taken  a  dramatic  toll  forms.
       SAI predicts, compared with 4.7% for Eu-  on the associated MRO  – 2010’s MRO   The Component Total Support busi-
       rope, boosted by a strong East European  market was down 7.5%.”          ness group was awarded new compo-

       20  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  January/February 2012                               
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