Page 21 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
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       nent  contracts,  which  include  Main-  - Singapore Airline’s engineering arm  maintenance check on the A380. With
       tenance-By-the-Hour,  avionics  and  SIAEC. In November last year, SIAEC  three decades of Airbus experience be-
       mechanical  component  maintenance,  signed a tailored support package (TSP)  hind us, we are confident of delivering
       aerostructures and landing gear repair  contract with Airbus to maintain SIA’s  top quality maintenance services and
       and overhaul.                        additional fleet of fifteen A330-300 air-  engineering  support  for  SIA’s  entire
          The  Engine  Total  Support  business  craft being acquired from Airbus.  fleet of A330-300.”
       group  clinched  new  engine  mainte-  SIAEC  is  a  member  of  the  Airbus   SIAEC  Group  recorded  a  profit  at-
       nance contracts, which will be carried  Maintenance,  Repair  &  Overhaul  tributable  to  owners  of  the  parent  of
       out at ST Aerospace’s Singapore engine  (MRO)  Network  established  in  2005  S$139.3 million for the first half to the
       facility  on  a  time-and-material  basis.  with the goal of  guaranteeing service  end of September last year, an increase
       Work  scope  covers  on-wing  mainte-
       nance, off-wing maintenance, technical
       management  and  asset  management
       on  various  engines  types,  including
       CFM56,  Pratt  &  Whitney  JT8D,  F100,
       F110, Rolls-Royce Allison T56, General
       Electric J85, F404, Honeywell T53, T55,
       and Turbomeca Makila.
          Between  July  and  September  2011,
       ST  Aerospace  redelivered  113  aircraft
       to various customers, for airframe re-
       lated  maintenance  and  modification
       work. Specifically on PTF conversions,
       it redelivered a total of four converted
       freighters  in  3Q2011.  Additionally,  it
       completed a European Aviation Safety
       Agency-approved  Supplemental  Type
       Certificate project for cabin reconfigu-
       ration of Ural Airlines’ Airbus A320.
          Besides  airframe  redeliveries,  ST
       Aerospace  serviced  70  engines  and
       13,775  components  for  both  commer-
       cial and military customers during the  quality from specially appointed MRO  of  S$2.0  million  or  1.5%  compared  to
       third quarter of 2011.               service providers.                  the  corresponding  period  last  year.
          In  another  development,  its  com-    Under  the  contract,  SIAEC  is  pro-  This included a write-back of tax pro-
       mercial pilot training arm successfully  viding a wide range of MRO services,  vision of S$3.1 million1. Share of profits
       completed Singapore’s first Multi-crew  including  transit  and  light  mainte-  from associated and joint venture com-
       Pilot  Licence  (MPL)  programme  for  nance checks, defect rectification, cab-  panies  increased  by  S$0.7  million  or
       Tiger  Airways.  The  programme’s  six  in maintenance, fleet management and  0.9%  to  S$77.7  million,  and  accounted
       cadet pilots are now under the employ-  heavy maintenance checks at it’s facili-  for 50.1% of the Group’s pre-tax profits.
       ment  of  Tiger  Airways  and  have  re-  ties in Singapore.               Operating profit decreased margin-
       ceived their MPL from the Civil Avia-  SIA  will  receive  delivery  of  the  ally by S$1.9 million or 2.7% to S$68.7
       tion Authority of Singapore.         A330-300 from 2013. William Tan, chief  million as the impact of a weaker US
          On capability development, ST Aero-  executive  officer  of  SIAEC,  said:  “We  dollar was mitigated by exchange gains
       space’s  affiliate  Vision  Technologies  are delighted that Airbus has awarded  of S$8.6 million from hedging and the
       Aerospace  Incorporated  entered  into  us for the third time in three years an-  revaluation  of  net  US  dollar  denomi-
       an  agreement  to  acquire  100%  of  the  other  long-term  contract.  Since  1981  nated assets.
       shares of DRB Aviation Consultants to  when  we  started  maintenance  of  the   Revenue declined by S$15.4 million
       enhance  its  aircraft  interior  engineer-  A300,  SIAEC  has  developed  a  deep  or 2.7% primarily from lower revenue
       ing design capabilities, while ST Aero-  bench of expertise on a wide range of  from materials. As a consequence, ma-
       space secured a cabin reconfiguration  Airbus aircraft. SIAEC was the first in  terial costs were similarly lower, con-
       project for Jet Airways’ Airbus A330.  the world to maintain the technologi-  tributing to the S$13.5 million or 2.7%
          Singapore  also  has  another  MRO  cally advanced A380; recently, it com-  reduction  in  expenditure.  Basic  earn-
       operator in the global top ten ranking  pleted the world’s first 48-month heavy  ings per share was 0.6% higher at 12.73

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