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Airbus Celebrates RMAF A400M 10,000 Flight Hours

Our Bureau - : Mar 29, 2022 - : 11:41 pm

Airbus held a ceremony celebrating the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) for being the firstA400M operator to achieve more than 10,000 flight hours with the aircraft on the second day ofthe Defence Services Asia Exhibition and Conference 2022 (DSA 2022) event in Kuala Lumpur(Mar. 29).

Johan Pelissier, Head of Asia-Pacific for Airbus Defence and Space, presented the award to theRMAF Chief of Staff, General Dato’ Sri Mohd Asghar Khan bin Goriman Khan to commemoratethe milestone. The event was also attended by Raymond Lim, Airbus Chief RepresentativeMalaysia; Jose Corcia, Head of Airbus Defence and Space (Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei) andAddi Faiz Adnan, Head of Airbus Defence and Space for Malaysia.

Having achieved more flight hours and flight cycles than any other A400M operator, Airbusrecognizes the RMAF as the A400M global fleet leader, serving as a valuable reference for allexisting A400M customers and the company.

In operation with the RMAF since 2015, the A400M has already changed the customer’sairliftoperation, playing a key role in all mission types. These include cargo and personnel transport,humanitarian and disaster relief missions, transport of heavy equipment, in support of nationalstrategy in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, medical transport, as well as air-to-airrefueling operations.

Recently, RMAF upgraded one of the A400Ms with tactical capabilities, enabling the aircraft to perform missions such as aerial delivery, full paratrooper deployment, or low-level flight. The RMAF became the program’s first export customer and is the first A400M operator in the Asia-Pacific region.

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